Kawasaki Z OwnersVictoria  


Club Permits

The Kawasaki Z Owners Club Inc. is an Approved Club under the Vic Roads Club Permit Scheme. This allows members of our club to make limited use of historic vehicles on the road network.

A Vic Roads Club Permit can be issued to the following vehicles in the following categories:

  • Veteran vehicles – manufactured before 1 January 1919;
  • Vintage vehicles – manufactured after 31 December 1918 and before 1 January 1931
  • Classic and Historic vehicles - manufactured after 31 December 1930, but more than 25 years before the date of the application for a club permit.

Club permits are issued for 12 month periods and vehicles are issued with a specific club permit plate.

From 1st February 2011, permit holders are no longer restricted to club activities when using their bikes. A logbook is issued to permit holders to record the use of the bike over the permit period. A log book entry must be made each day that the bike is used, and the logbook must be carried on the rider at all times. You are able to apply for either a 45 or 90 day permit depending on how much you use your bike over a 12 month period. If you obtain a 45 day permit but later decide that this is not enough, another 45 day permit can be purchased later on. However, you can't obtain a permit to ride your bike for more than 90 days in each 12 month registration period.

In order to qualify for a Club Permit with the Kawasaki Z Owners, the following conditions must be met:

  • You must be a Financial Full Member of the club for a minimum of 3 months before applying for a Club Permit for a club compliant Kawasaki Z series motorcycle.
  • If you wish to apply for a club permit for any other motorcycle (all other inferior motorcycles), and don't own a compliant Kawasaki Z Series, then you need to be a Financial Social Member for a minimum of 3 months. This approval is at the discretion of the Z Owners Committee.

To apply for a club permit, you need to print and complete this form: Z Owners Club Permit Application. Once you have completed the form, contact Damian O'Donnell (Dman) via email; damoluvbike@hotmail.com or phone 0408 967 081,/ Bruce Simpson (Simmo) via email; brucedeb1@optusnet.com.au or phone 0407057986 or Max Morrison at First class motorcycles Lilydale on 0431023788 by appointment for the form to be signed, and your application approved. Please note that the signing of the Club Permit Application Form is at the discretion of the Safety Officer, and;

  • Your bike must be in road worthy condition;
  • New members must bring their bike on a trailer to the next club meeting;
  • Existing members may organise to meet the Safety Officer on neutral ground.

You will also need to print and complete the Vic Roads Club Permit Application Form. Once you have both forms completed, you can either take them to a Vic Roads office to have your Club Permit issued, or you can post both forms to the Vic Roads address on the form, for processing.

© The Kawasaki Z Owners Club Inc 2025

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